Billing Services

Review of Coding and Visits

  • The regulatory environment has become very difficult to navigate.
  • Practice assessment that focuses on current coding and documentation trends; that they meet the compliance requirements for Medicare, AHCCCS, and third party payers.
  • Proper coding is no longer a casual afterthought; it is now imperative given the potential for fines and penalties.
  • Provider and practice specific transitioning and training for the implementation of the 2013 coding changes

Most physician and medical groups just look at the bottom line of collections, but the collections process is just one step.

  • Partner with the client to work more intelligently to maximize the potential for reimbursement by analyzing coding based upon the documentation and the procedures performed.
  • Review of contracts and look for gaps in coverage.
  • Assist the practitioner in looking at visits, insurance mix and reimbursements based upon locations for those multiple place practices.